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Our Funders and Steering Committee
The Detroit Regional Workforce Fund’s local funders meet on a regular basis to review and refine goals based on need.
Detroit Regional Workforce Fund
660 Woodward Ave., Suite 300
Detroit, MI 48226
About Us
- Goals
- Mission & Vision
- Our Funders & Steering Committee
Ten national and local, public and private funders have committed $3.5 million to this three-year collaborative, which promotes regional economic growth through the development of a skilled workforce. Individuals from this group of funders also make up our Steering Committee.
- Knight Foundation
- Kresge Foundation
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- National Fund for Workforce Solutions
- Michigan Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth (DELEG)
- United Way for Southeastern Michigan*
- Skillman Foundation
- Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation
- Ford Foundation
- U.S. Department of Labor (through Jobs for the Future)
* The United Way for Southeastern Michigan, which also serves as the Detroit Regional Workforce Fund’s fiduciary agent, administers The Detroit Regional Workforce Fund.